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Piran Mining UK

Piran Mining UK


Piran Mining UK

About Us

Ground Breaking Geotechnical Assessment Package

Introducing a New Cutting-Edge Service Line


We're proud to unveil a revolutionary approach to the process of Ground Investigation and subsequent Stabilisation that includes the ability to remotely view and adjust survey activities from anywhere in the world, in real-time, with just an internet connection.


This leap forward in productivity transforms traditional Geotechnical Assessments into a dynamic, responsive process across:


  • Difficult to access or inaccessible areas impacting public spaces (eg, coastal cliffs, hillside walking trails, converted or disused quarries, etc.)

  • Civil Engineering (Roads, Rails, Tunnels, Maritime Structures)

  • Tailings Dam or Spoil Heap Management

  • Quarrying

  • Mining


Key Advantages:


  • Reduced Risk Exposure: Our method drastically cuts down on-site personnel exposure, minimizing safety or security risks and project logistics.​ 


  • Speed and Efficiency: Once established real-time remote access allows for immediate assessment and decisions, significantly speeding up project delivery and reconciliation.​


  • Cost-Effectiveness: The ability to manage overall survey control from any location leads to substantial savings on travel and time.


  • Universal Application: Suitable for all geographical conditions, with the added benefit of global accessibility.​


Service Components: 


  1. Ground Investigation

The Ground Investigation (GI) process involves an initial stage of overall GI strategy discussion with the client. This ensures Piran obtains a comprehensive understanding of any and all sensitivities relating to the project.  From this the GI design is completed.  Piran will then manage the site investigation works,  organising both in-situ and laboratory testing services. This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of the investigation are meticulously planned and executed, leading to accurate and reliable results.


  1. Ground Stabilisation

Once the GI work is completed the ground stabilisation process can commence.  This will include discrete rock fall and slope failure analysis using various industry recognised software systems.  A risk assessment will also be conducted to ensure the level of stabilisation ultimately selected is fit for purpose.  Consideration of implementation constraints or the use of remote solutions for inaccessible or sensitive locations are also key in the process.  Piran can also offer both short-term and long-term monitoring services, even for normally inaccessible sites using high precision measurement systems, ensuring early warning of any measurable change of the project condition.  Further details can be discussed on a project specific basis.


Why Piran Mining UK?


Our proprietary technological approach not only offers insights that traditional methods can't match but also introduces the ability to manage and oversee site investigations that are either remote or difficult to access.  Ongoing monitoring and reconciliation of the project is also available at varying frequencies depending on the risk profile.   This focus on safety, speed of data capture, and cost-effectiveness is paired with unparalleled real-time flexibility and accuracy.


Get in Touch


If you have a challenging project and want to transform your approach with real-time global access, contact us to see how we can apply this service to your project, delivering safety, efficiency and precision benefits like never before.


Civil Engineering


Mining Subsidence

Piran Mining UK specialises in working on projects with geotechnically challenging conditions. We can effectively manage mining subsidence risk through utilizing monitoring, prediction models, and mitigation strategies, such as ground support techniques, to minimize risks and prevent damage to infrastructure.

Site Project Management

Our Expertise encompasses the project management spectrum. This includes the key components of project execution and procedure planning, contract and document management, industrial relations contract negotiations, contractor management, schedule coordination, training and safety and environmental management.


  • Concept-to-completion, project, and construction management

  • Pragmatic and experienced planning to reduce risk of cost and schedule impacts

  • Health, safety, environmental, community relations and quality management

  • Project controls, including cost control and scheduling

  • Where required tender preparation, tender evaluation, and client representation

  • Financial evaluation, capital estimates and operating cost estimates

  • Procurement management

  • Management of ground support / stabilisation activities. 

  • Training, project maintenance and engineering management

  • Logistical and transport management


Our extensive capabilities allow us to deliver high-quality project management, optimizing your project with efficiency and better outcomes. We're dedicated to providing exceptional service and tailored solutions for our clients' unique needs.